
This little boy's name is Jacob. He is 19 months & has a twin brother named James. On Christmas day he drank lamp oil & ended up in an ICU in Michigan. He has been attached to a ECOM (heart lung machine that oxygenates a persons blood b/c their lungs can't) since that time. Today the doctors told Jacob's mom that he in brain dead. They family made the decision to take him off the ECOM & let the Lord take Little Jacob take him home to be with Him. Please pray for this family today! Mitch works with Jacob's older sister & her husband. We will be attending the funeral sometime this week.

May I suggest something that may help all of children to be a bit more safe? About a week ago Emmit got in to some Mr. Clean. I heard something splash & found Emmit in a puddle of the stuff. Praise the Lord that he was sucking on his pacifier! Needless to say, my heart stopped when I saw the scene. From what I gathered he didn't drink any of it but he did get a full body rash that lasted for 2-3 days (may have been the Mr. Clean or the spinach I gave him that night...not sure which) That day I threw away & gave away all the toxic cleaning products I had in our house. I never ever want to have to face what Jacob's mom is presently facing & anything I can do to help prevent that I'm going to do. My mom gave me a book for Christmas called, "Clean House, Clean Planet: Clean Your House for Pennies a Day the Safe, Nontoxic Way." The author talks about the dangers of the cleaning products in our home, the harm they cause/can cause to a person/child physically, & many, many natural cleaning recipes to replace them. It has taken me a few weeks or so to get all the materials & ingredients but I have found it to be very cost effective, safe, & workable. I hate to sound like a commercial (I'm not getting paid to say ANY of this...I promise!) but out of compassion for my little boy & every other little kid of any mom who may read this. My mom has told me stories of what my sisters & I used to do & get into. Please, please lock up your chemicals, put them totally out of reach or get rid of them. Again, I say this out of love & concern.

The link to Jacob's story: http://www.carepages.com/ServeCarePage?cpn=JacobCooper&seed=242366&ClusterNodeID=jb03&tlcx1=devos&tlcx2=2955514



  Acres Wild Alpacas

January 27, 2008 at 2:28 PM

Our hearts go out for Jacob's family in their time of great despair. Heed Carrisa's warming adn get rid of all cleaning solutions...they are chemicals and TOXIC! Naturally made household cleaning solutions are made with things such as vingear, baking soda, etc. If ingested might only cause a tummy ache. Keep our kids safe!
Kindest Regards,
Mary and Kelly Egbert