The rest of the story...

...ok, here are the other 2 stories I promised (that kid is sure keeping me busy, teething or something or other...whew!). You know when you're canoing & get to the point where you're just totally pooped? You think to yourself, "Boy, I sure hope this trip is over really soon. I mean, it's great & all. All this water, all these trees, all this water..." You look at your map & see that you've only made it 1/2 way which took you, well, FOREVER!!! I really enjoyed the trip, really. Well, needless to say, we got out in a low potion of the river (really low... the ducks were even walking around, laughing at us humans, mind you) to haul our kayak over a dead end area to the other side when we decided to walk around in the water for a bit. Mitch loves to throw rocks, specifically at me, so there he goes....The next thing you know he picks up a giant rock covered in mini clam shells. Very odd looking. What was so funny about it was that all those little shells were inhabited be something or others. I think they may have been trying to make a "squirt" for it because they were soaking Mitch's shorts. Maybe it was there defense mechanism. Don't know. All I know is that it was pretty strange looking.

#3 Before we actually haul our kayak over to the other side Mitch looks down into the water & shouts, "Look, a dead fish!" Joy of all joys. A dead fish decomposing in the water where I was just soaking my feet. It was inside a small, hollowed out log so of course he has to move it just a bit. And what else did he discover...a GIANT crayfish. I'm not much of a crustation person, I can't even spell the word for Pete's sake. So, of course, Mitch had to pick up the small, hollowed out log & dump the poor thing on the ground right in front of me. It reminded me why I don't eat anything with more than 4 legs. I gotta stop or I'm gonna hurl....