big boy bed

a few months ago we tried our hand at transitioning emmit to his big boy bed because he figured out how to get up on the side of his crib on his belly...little stinker. unfortunately we couldn't find a rail that would cooperate w/ both the crib & emmit so we had to put the front of his crib back on. we were just hoping that he wouldn't figure out how to actually propel his whole body over the side (thus possibly resulting in our 3rd trip to the ER with our little houdini). i came across a great product, for all you mommies out there! it's called Bed Bug Bumper. what it is is simply 2 big pieces of some sort of squishy styrofoam that is placed under the fitted sheet at the edge of the bed. it is absolutely amazing!!! emmit can climb safely in & out of his bed without us fearing grave injury...& that is exactly what he does. the first night he stayed in his "new" bed until i heard him the next morning & went in to get him up. each successive morning & nap there on out has been more & more of a discovery of his own independence. sometimes he'll open the door & stand there quiet as a mouse until one of us get up to peek down the hall...he then, of course, proceeds to giggle & shriek as if he pulled one over on us. this afternoon we left for the park after lunch but he ended up falling asleep right when we got we headed back home. the minute i laid that boy down he was wired tight as a spring. i heard him wandering around, opening & closing the door, chattering to himself, etc, etc...oh to be a fly on that wall:) so, after many unsuccessful attempts at getting the little booger back to bed we had a snack. i'm sure he was thrilled. he finally went to sleep around 3:30/4pm. 1 1/2-2 hours after his nap time. not too sure if i'm liking this independence thing. i'm starting to lose more of my independence...but, for the greatest cause, my son:)

emmit's first night in his "new bed"

emmit that next morning...still in he opens the door chattering, "hello mommy & daddy, i'm awake & ready to go!"