SIlly Guys

Apparently Emmit likes to be toted around in baskets. Mitch & Emmit have such a great time together when he comes home after a hard, stressful day at work. Emmit is definitely Mitch's valve release. When I'm in the kitchen making dinner I hear lots & lots of squeals, giggles, & shrieks coming up from the basement. My girlfriend Amy commented to me a while back that her favorite sound is that of her children's voices. I can definitely ditto that!!! I LOVE to hear my love & my baby having fun together. It makes slaving over a hot stove more enjoyable:)



September 11, 2007 at 7:57 PM

too cute!! I loved the hide and seek video earlier. everytime i see little emmitt i think of his innocent laughter and love for his mommy and daddy. thanks for sharing :)

  The Coons

September 12, 2007 at 4:09 PM

I know exactly what you are talking about!! It's never so fun to make dinner as when the boys I am making it for are being so loveable!!