Our First Game

Emmit has started crawling around the house, with supervision, of course. He got such a kick out of me crawling after him I just had to get a clip of it to share with you all. His giggles make me smile...hope it makes someone else out there smile too!
Please forgive the lighting quality:)

Emmit's 9th Month

Wow!!! The months are just flying by! So very sorry for the lack posts. It has been a very busy summer. We put our house up for sale this month(& everything that goes along with it: painting, purging, & packing & purging...did I mention purging?) So here we are...empty house, big dog, a crazy baby, waiting to see what the Lord has in store for us next.

Emmit's 9th month was something! At the beginning of the month Emmit & I traveled to Ohio to visit his new cousin Baby Oliver. He was born June 24th. He was 8lbs (or so) & 19" long...at 3 weeks he was 14 lbs:) We got to visit with Grandma Mary & her hubby Kelly, Great-grandma & Grandpa Pavis & Great-grandpa & Nanee Scott. While we were there Emmit began to attempt standing with no hands...he's such a daredevil! Mitch traveled to Chicago the weekend after we got home from Ohio. He was only gone for a day & 1/2 but he said Emmit was a totally different child when he got home than he was before he left. The boy is constantly changing!!! Near the end of the month we got the first floor & basement in our house painted. That was fun...uh, not really. Emmit & I got to know the 2nd floor of our house all to well.

Here are some other things the little guy figured out: seemed to love falling over on purpose, bouncing while standing, tried to move from one large object to another while standing (Mitch is the "large object" for those of you who were wondering if I had gained weight...shame on you!), bathing in the big tub (quite the adventure), went to his 1st speed boat racing show with Daddy during one of their Saturday's out, went through a spell of not wanting to be rocked or even held for that matter before bedtime, banging back of head in the wall while sitting (sure hope that's not a sigh of things to come!), 1st bloody lip (on my watch, unfortunately...I think he also got his first bruise too), enjoys making hacking sounds and screaming VERY loudly, he graduated out of the baby nursery at church, he stood for 5 seconds (I think Mitch claims 30+ :), dragging toys while crawling, got his top left tooth in, & last but not least to start off his 10th month Emmit got immunized on a Tuesday and had a fever Wednesday at the babysitters while Mommy was at work. Poor kid, his 10th month has been a bear. But, he's a trooper, or maybe I should say 1/2 Scott, 1/2 Davidson.

I Love My Dad!

Love, Your Boy
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